Football fish
Football fish

This species is known to be hardy and resilient, with some individuals living up to 10 years or more in captivity. Generally speaking, these fish have an average lifespan of between 3-5 years. The lifespan of a football fish can vary depending on its environment, diet, and predation pressure. Despite its small size, the football fish is quite capable of taking down prey larger than itself by ambushing them with its powerful jaws. This species has a relatively small mouth which limits the size of prey that it is able to consume. The size of this species will vary between individuals and is largely dependent on their habitat, diet, age, and sex. The football fish grows to an average size of 20-25cm in length and can weigh up to 600g. Scientists have discovered that some species of football fish will even scavenge for dead or dying animals as part of their diet. In addition to their usual prey, the football fish may occasionally consume jellyfish, plankton, or algae as well. The football fish has been observed to feed on a variety of different species, including shrimp, crabs, squid, and small bony fish. The diet of the football fish mainly consists of other small fish and crustaceans. The football fish is an opportunistic feeder and will take advantage of whatever food sources are available in its environment. In some cases, they may also be spotted swimming near the surface or hovering around drop-offs. They are typically found in relatively shallow waters which provide cover, including caves, rock crevices, and ledges. Football fish habitats can range from sandflats and seagrass beds to coral reefs and rocky outcrops. It inhabits shallow coastal areas and can be found up to depths of 40 m (130 ft). The football fish is found in temperate waters around Australia, particularly near the Great Barrier Reef. The lure is made up of two parts: the illicium (an elongated spine) and the esca (the soft, glowing organ). This fleshy growth protrudes from the top of its head and emits light to attract prey. The most distinctive feature of the football fish is its luminous lure.

football fish

The dorsal fins are usually tipped in black or blue, while the ventral fins and tail fins have white fringes.

football fish

Its coloration is mostly dark brown but can range from green to yellowish-brown. The football fish is an unusual-looking creature with a long, pointed snout and a body that resembles a rounded football.

Football fish